Have I Hit My Bottom?

Any person who’s had any kind of issue with alcohol or drugs has asked themselves this question at some point- Have I hit my bottom yet? The answer is more complicated than a yes or no. For starters, “hitting a bottom” normally isn’t a singular event, but rather a perpetual state of being. Most alcoholics and addicts I know have hit multiple bottoms spanning years. 

Had Enough Yet? 

A better way to phrase what is essentially the same question- Have I had enough yet? Think of it this way. Has the pain of drinking or using become greater than the pain you would have to face if you got sober? Say the answer is no, and you aren’t ready to quit yet. Okay, then ask yourself a follow-up question. How is drinking and using working out for you? Has it improved your life in various ways or hurt your life in various ways? Have the substances become a priority over your friends and loved ones? Does the numbing effect even work anymore?

Healing = Pain 

So, you may be wondering “Okay, so if I’m going to feel pain, either way, I might as well keep drinking and using, right?” While it’s true you would definitely feel pain if you got sober, it’s the good kind of pain, the healing kind of pain. Sitting in the pain of your wounds for therapeutic purposes will lead you to a better and much more peaceful life. Unfortunately, the pain of drinking and drugging will simply lead to more pain. So, back to the original question- Have I hit my bottom? Only you can answer that. If you’ve felt enough pain to make drastic life changes, this might be it for you. 

If you’re ready to retire from an old life that just isn’t working anymore and are looking for help with drug detox or detox for alcohol at home, please contact InHome Recovery today.   

We're here for you.

If you or a loved one is in emotional distress, below are resources

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 9-8-8 (Available 24/7)

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Call 1-800-273-8255 (Available 24/7)

Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741

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Alternatively, you may call +1 (615) 997-0271 and speak to one of our team members.